Monday, November 29, 2010

Snowman Advent Calendar and Marker

I think this is my favorite Christmas decoration! Well, next to my stockings of course. This was so easy and fun! And cheap! I found these great felt squares at Hobby Lobby in Orem which is what inspired the whole idea.

First, I cut out the circles for the snowman body. I just walked around my house finding circle shaped items. I ended up using my wall clock, a dinner plate, and a bucket. The wall clock was a little big so I cut that one down a little bit but everything else was perfect.

For the mittens I just found a picture on Google and traced it onto the felt.

I used my Cricut to cut out the squares on the calendar and also for the "coal" circles and carrot nose. For the numbers I used that 3D fabric paint.

After everything was cut out I used my hot glue gun to glue it all on.

The stitching around the edges took the longest. Not hard at all but it is a little time consuming. FYI it's called a button-hole stitch. I found instructions on how to do it here.

The marker is just fabric, quilt batting, and stitching. Cute right?

I still haven't figured out how exactly to hang it up so any ideas from you would be great. Happy Holidays!


  1. So, maybe you should have an etsy are so creative!

  2. I love the tree marker. Seriously this is such a cute idea! you inspire me. :)
