Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wise men still seek Him

I love embroidering. I got this idea from a Christmas decoration my MIL (mother-in-law) has upstairs. And I got the design from here. Lots of cute ideas. I may have to do another embroidery. I love embroidering.
This frame I bought didn't come with any backing so I just cut a piece from an old box of diapers to fit the back and hot glued the fabric to it.


  1. You do such awesome stuff. I am totally envious of your skills and the time you take to use your skills. You know, Elder Scott says that creativity leads to a deep sense of gratitude and Mosiah 4 says that gratitude leads to joy and love of God and of others. And on top of that, your stuff is so adorable that it makes your living space so cute and festive. Sorry for the sermon in the comment-- but you're awesome!

  2. where did you find the frame? It's awesome!
