Monday, June 27, 2011

Reusable Swiffer Pad

I'm so glad I found this tutorial! Thank you! I haven't used my swiffer for months because I didn't want to keep buying and throwing away those swiffer pads. It felt like a waste of money to me. This was so easy to do. I made 4 pads today and even tried one out. It works good! Now all I have to do is find out a way to reuse those Swiffer cleaning solution bottles so I don't have to keep buying those too.

For instructions on making this, go here.
The only thing I did differently was that I didn't do a top stitch around the entire pad in step 9. The pad wouldn't fit on my Swiffer with that extra top stitch on it. I just sewed that hole closed and that was it.

For the fabric I used 2 old hand towels and the black is from a pair of old maternity pants from Brandon's pregnancy that got a bunch of holes in them. So glad I didn't throw them away!


  1. Okay, you are awesome! I wish I could sew!

  2. See, I told you about Pinterest...

  3. woah,that is freakin awesome! I just wanna buy a swiffer so I can do this now cause brooms are gross, and you can wash this wheneve it gets gross. You rock!

  4. Hey that is really neat--wish I had my sewing machine here and I would make one or two. I do have a Swiffer here.
