Saturday, August 20, 2011

Baby girl blessing dress

When I made Brandon's blessing outfit it was just about the hardest thing I've ever done (besides taking care of a newborn). It literally took my blood, sweat, and tears. But I loved all the compliments I got on the day he wore it. And he looked so cute in it. So, I decided it was worth it to make a dress for this new baby girl. I used this pattern from Simplicity.

I was planning on doing the one that's on the front with the collar but since I've never made a dress before I decided to go with the simplest one on the bottom left. I'm so glad I did. It was definitely easier than making Brandon's outfit but still took a lot of work and patience. I wished my mom had been here to tell me what to do! So, here is the finished product. It didn't turn out quite the way I wash hoping but is still a very beautiful dress. I heart that fabric (30% off at Joann's!)


front detail (yes, that's piping! I piped!)

back detail (the buttons are uneven because I ripped straight through the last button hole and had to stitch the fabric back together. Sniffle)



  1. GORGEOUS!!!! AH! You are so talented! That fabric is so beautiful! I want to make myself a skirt with it!

  2. So pretty!! You are amazing! I love it!

  3. I love it! It looks great. Great Job!

  4. You are so amazing! I love that you're not afraid to try new things like piping! I would be way too intimidated to attempt something like this. It's beautiful though. Can't wait to see baby girl in it!

  5. Awe! That is so beautiful. I am so proud of you--you did a great job. And you "piped"--that is so funny!
