Monday, May 27, 2013

Felt Card Table Playhouse

This was so much fun!! Brandon was my helper with this project. He picked out all the colors and liked watching me sew it together. I got some great ideas online for the play house. There are so many cute ones! To buy one on Etsy can cost over $200. Ouch! I bought all my fabric at Joann's and used a 40% off coupon. They always have coupons and I LOVE that. I spent about $30 on mine and I have tons of extra fabric. I bought 5 yards of the blue colors and only used like 3 yards. So if any of you want to make your own play room I've got some fabric you could use...

I chose to use felt because #1 It doesn't fray so no binding is required and #2 it's cheaper.

Anyway, I followed a couple of tutorials that were very, very helpful. Make It and Love It has one and I found an even better tutorial here.

And here is my drawn out  plan for the play house.  The window frame measurements should be 2x16" and not 2x14"

1 comment:

  1. Holy cow!!! This is so intimidating to me! It looks so freakin awesome though I bet they love it. You're so cool!
