Saturday, November 20, 2010

Give Thanks

This was a super fun project. And inexpensive. I bought a wood plaque ($6.99) at Roberts. Painted it brown ($1.00). Mod Podged (I already had some but you can get a small bottle for $5) some Thanksgiving paper on. Then used my Cricut for the letters and leaves. Bought some ribbon at Walmart (for 37 cents a yard) and hot glued it to the board. I had some ribbon left over and made a bow. Oh, and I also used some sand paper to even out the edges of the paper after they were all glued on. I just love it so much! I only have a week to enjoy it though...
Total cost: $8.36  (if you buy Mod Podge it would be about $14)


alecia said...

This is gorgeous. I would hang it year round!!! I love that ribbon! And leaves...and all of it! If you had an etsy shop, I'd buy this.

Alecia said...

haha too weird..i was like, i already commented? am i losing it? i guess alecia's are just cool commenting people :) i love this! a lot. it looks kind of old fashioned and vintage to me. and i'm totally into that right now. SO CUTE!

Bre And Drew said...

You are amazing! This is so cute. You make me wish I was better at crafts!

The Way I See It said...

Oh my heck! SO darling! You didn't need to attend Super Sat. last weekend, you need to TEACH it!

alecia said...

Whoa, a super saturday teaching appointment...the ultimate creative, mormon compliment!